In continuation Order No. F/PA /2016 /14345-55 dated 27-02-2018 to the N.S.S. Unit committees reconstituted to plan and execute N.S.S. Programmes of institute, as under
Chairperson - Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Programme officer - Mahendra Prasad
- Dr. Amol Kadoo- Coordinator
- Dr. Priti Gavali- Coordinator
- To plan and execute N.S.S. Programmes for the year.
- To conduct Special N.S.S. camp and to submit the audited statement of accounts at the end of the year.
- To distribute the work for the NSS volunteers for maintenance of cleanliness in and around the College.
- To take care of campus beautification and gardening.
- To maintain the records of the activities conducted and submit the same to the IQAC Committee.